Paul, the Corrected Jew and Faithful Christian
The Acts of the Apostles
The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth
Acts 13:1-28:31 (12)
E. Paul’s Arrest and Journey to Rome (21:17-28:29)
1. Paul’s Arrest and Trial in Jerusalem (21:17-23:22)
2. Paul’s Transfer to and Trial in Caesarea (23:23-26:32)
a. The Preparation for the Transfer (23:23-30)
b. The Transfer to Caesarea (23:31-35)
c. The Trial before Felix (24:1-27)
d. The Trial before Festus (25:1-22)
e. The Trial before Agrippa (25:23-26:32)
1) Festus Introduces the Situation (25:23-27)
2) Paul Makes His Defense (26:1-29)
a) A Respectful Address (26:1-3)
b) Paul, the Faithful Jew (26:4-8)
c) Paul, the Zealous Jew (26:9-11)
d) Paul, the Corrected Jew (26:12-18)
e) Paul, the Faithful Christian (26:19-23)
(1) Served
Obediently (26:19)
(2) Called for Repentance and Faith (26:20)
● appropriate of weight, of worth
(3) Suffered Persecution (26:21)
(4) Proclaimed the Resurrected Christ (26:22-23)
● help assistance gained from an ally
● “that the Christ was to suffer and be the first to rise from the dead, to proclaim light both to our people and to the Gentiles”
(26:23–The Net Bible).
f) A Respectful Interaction (26:24-29)
(1) With Festus (26:24-26)
(a) Festus’ Struggle (26:24)
(b) Paul’s redirect (26:25-26)
● sober good judgement, self-
control, having a sound mind
(2) With Agrippa (26:27-29)
(a) Paul Addressed the King Directly
(b) The King Responded Positively
(c) Paul Encourages Faith from the
Audience (26:29)
3) The Outcome of the Hearing (26:30-32)