Paul, the Corrected Jew and Faithful Christian

Feb 9, 2025    Roger Skepple

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (12)

E. Paul’s Arrest and Journey to Rome (21:17-28:29)

1. Paul’s Arrest and Trial in Jerusalem (21:17-23:22)

2. Paul’s Transfer to and Trial in Caesarea (23:23-26:32)

a. The Preparation for the Transfer (23:23-30)

b. The Transfer to Caesarea (23:31-35)

c. The Trial before Felix (24:1-27)

d. The Trial before Festus (25:1-22)

e. The Trial before Agrippa (25:23-26:32)

1) Festus Introduces the Situation (25:23-27)

2) Paul Makes His Defense (26:1-29)

a) A Respectful Address (26:1-3)

b) Paul, the Faithful Jew (26:4-8)

c) Paul, the Zealous Jew (26:9-11)

d) Paul, the Corrected Jew (26:12-18)

e) Paul, the Faithful Christian (26:19-23)

(1) Served

Obediently (26:19)

(2) Called for Repentance and Faith (26:20)

● appropriate of weight, of worth

(3) Suffered Persecution (26:21)

(4) Proclaimed the Resurrected Christ (26:22-23)

● help assistance gained from an ally

● “that the Christ was to suffer and be the first to rise from the dead, to proclaim light both to our people and to the Gentiles”

(26:23–The Net Bible).

f) A Respectful Interaction (26:24-29)

(1) With Festus (26:24-26)

(a) Festus’ Struggle (26:24)

(b) Paul’s redirect (26:25-26)

● sober good judgement, self-


control, having a sound mind

(2) With Agrippa (26:27-29)

(a) Paul Addressed the King Directly


(b) The King Responded Positively


(c) Paul Encourages Faith from the

Audience (26:29)

3) The Outcome of the Hearing (26:30-32)