The First Three Soils
Message Outline:
The Gospel According to Mark
The Servant’s Attends His People: Galilee and Beyond (1:14-8:26) (Part 21)
Jesus’ Ministry Opposed (2:14-5:43)
Part 12: The Confirmation of the King and the Kingdom (3:7-5:43) (H)
The Mystery of the Kingdom of God (4:1-34)
Part 3: The Parable of the Sower (4:3-9, 13-20) (Part B)
2. The Confirmation of the King and the Kingdom (3:7-5:43)
a. The Identity of the King’s Authentic Followers (3:7-35)
b. The Instructions for the Kings Authentic Followers (4:1-34)
1) The Expanded Setting (4:1-2, 10-12, 21-25, 33-34)
2) The Parable of the Sower and the Soils (4:3-9, 13-20)
a) The Parable Itself (4:3-9)
b) The Parable Interpreted (4:13-20)
(1) The Sower (4:14)
(a) The Identity of the Sower
(b) The Objective of the Sower
(2) The Seed That Fell upon the Path: Satanic Resistance to Conversion (4:15)
(3) The Seed That Fell upon Rocky Places: Enthusiasm Vs. Conversion (4:16-17)
(4) The Seed That Fell upon the Thorns: Circumstances Overcoming Conversion (4:18-19)