Motherhood in the Will of God

May 10, 2015    Roger Skepple    Mother’s Day Message 2015: The Critical Role of the Christian Mother (Part 2)

The Critical Role of the Christian Mother (Part 2)

Mother’s Day Message 2015

The Present State of the Matter

The Background of the Passage

● The Book of 1 Timothy

● The Issue of Widows

I. The Nature of the Resolution (5:14a)

A. The Authority Behind the Resolution

1. Apostolic Authority

2. Divine Authority

B. The Extent of This Resolution

II. The Description of the Resolution

A. Her Role as Mother (5:14b)

B. Her Role as Manager (5:14c)

● keep house rule the house

C. Her Role as Model (5:14d-15)

● occasion pretext, opportunity, cause, etc

● reproach railing abuse, injurious accusation