Paul Addresses the Jewish Mob (Part b)
The Acts of the Apostles
The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth
Acts 13:1-28:31 (5)
E. Paul’s Arrest and Journey to Rome (21:17-28:29)
1. Paul’s Arrest and Trial in Jerusalem (21:17-23:22)
a. Paul Agrees to Display His Commitment to the Nation
b. Paul’s Arrest in the Temple Precincts (21:27-40)
c. Paul Addresses the Jewish Mob (22:1-30)
1) The Content of Paul’s Defense (22:1-21)
a) Paul Drew Their Attention (22:1-2)
b) Paul Identified Himself: His Jewish Bona Fides (22:3-5)
c) Paul Related His Encounter with Christ (22:6-11)
(1) His Behavior Accosted (22:6-7)
(2) His Confusion Alleviated (22:8, 10)
(3) His Companions Enlisted (22:9, 11)
d) Paul Described His Call (22:12-16)
(1) Ananias Reversed Paul’s Situation (22:12-13)
(2) Ananias Issued Paul’s Call (22:14-15)
● appointed to arrange, ordain, choose
(3) Ananias Encouraged Paul’s Response (22:16)
e) Paul Relayed a Second Encounter with Christ (22:17-21)
(1) The Circumstances of This Encounter (22:17)
(2) The Concern of This Encounter (22:18-20)
(3) The Resolution from This Encounter (22:21)
2) The Response to Paul’s Defense (22:22-30)
a) The Jews’ Reaction (22:22-23)
● allowed come down or
to; to be proper, fitting, or seemly
b) The Romans’s Reaction (22:24-29)
(1) They Decided to Interrogate Paul (22:24)
(2) They Reversed Themselves (22:25-29)
c) The Romans’ Confusion (22:30)
The privileges of Roman citizenship:
● exemption from shameful punishments, such as scourging with rods or whips, and
especially crucifixion.
● the right of appeal to the emperor, with certain limitations . . . after sentence had been
passed, and no needless impediment must be interposed against a trial.
● the right to be sent to Rome for trial before the emperor himself, when charged with
capital offenses.
● the right to remain unbound till after trial
Ways to Gain Roman citizenship:
1) born to a Roman father
2) a citizen of a Roman colony (say, Pisidian Antioch, Corinth or Philippi)
3) a retired auxiliary soldier
4) given a special privilege from Rome (granted to groups or individuals)
5) a slave freed by his or her owner