Paul’s Arrest

Nov 17, 2024    Roger Skepple

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (3)

E. Paul’s Arrest and Journey to Rome (21:17-28:29)

1. Paul’s Arrest and Trial in Jerusalem (21:17-23:22)

a. Paul Agrees to Display His Commitment to the Nation (21:17-26)

1) The Handoff (21:17-20)

2) The Problem (21:21-22)

3) The Solution (21:23-26)

Ancient Travel

b. Paul’s Arrest in the Temple Precincts (21:27-40)

1) The Instigation (21:27-30)

a) The Incident Itself (21:27-28)

b) The Impetus for the Incident (21:29)

c) The Response to the Incident (21:30)

2) The Arrest (21:31-36)

a) The Interjection of the Authorities (21:31-32)

(1) Why the Romans Got Involved (21:31)

(2) How the Romans Got Involved (21:32)

b) The Confusion of the Authorities (21:33-34)

c) The Extraordinary Measures of the Authorities (21:35-36)

3) The Request (21:37-40)