The Proper Response to the Healing

Jan 2, 2022    Roger Skepple

The Acts of the Apostles
The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Jerusalem

The Growth of the Church in the Face of Governmental Oppression (3:1-4:31) (4)

What I Have I Give You: The Healing of the Lame Man (3:1-4:31) (4)

The Purpose of Divine Acts
●Illustrated in Human Acts
●Manifested in the Healing of the Blind Man

C.The Growth of the Church (3:1-8:3)
1.In the Face of Opposition (3:1-6:7)
a.In the Face of Governmental Oppression (3:1-4:31)
1)The Miraculous Healing of a Lame Man (3:1-10)
2)The Explanation of the Healing (3:11-26)
a)The Source of the Healing (3:11-16)
b)The Proper Response to the Healing (3:17-24)
(1)The Proper Response Stated (3:17-21)
(a)The Reason for the Opportunity (3:17-18)
(i)Their Actions (3:17)
●ignorance(agnoia) to not know, understand, or perceive
(ii)God’s Intentions (3:18)
(b)The Opportunity: The Call to Salvation (3:19-21)
(i)The Nature of the Call: Turn to God (3:19a)
●returnturning, turning back
(ii)Purpose #1: The Removal of Sin’s Devestation (3:19b)
●wiped awaywipe liquid from a surface
(iii)Purpose #2: The Bringing in of the Kingdom (3:19c)
●refreshingto cool by blowing, to relieve
(iv)Purpose #3: The Return of Christ (3:20-21)
(a)Christ’s Future Sending (3:20)
(b)Christ’s Present Working (3:21)

Our Gospel:
The Significance of His life
The Consequences of His Death
Man’s Personal Problem – Guilty before God
Man’s Personal Response – Repentance and Faith