Introduction to Leviticus 19
The Essential Components of the Christian Life
An Exposition of Leviticus 19
Introduction to Leviticus 19
The Importance of Leviticus 19 to Biblical Praxis
●It Helps Define the Law
●It Informs the Message of the Prophets
●It Provides a Foundation to New Testament Praxis
The Book of Leviticus
●The Background of the Book
●The Structure of the Book
I.The Way to Worship: The Sacrifices (1:1-16:34)
A.The Laws Regulating the Sacrifices (1:1-7:38)
B.The Establishment of the Priesthood (8:1-10:20)
C.The Laws Regarding Uncleanness (11:1-15:57)
D.The Day of Atonement (16:1-34)
II.The Life of Worship: Holiness (17:1-27:34)
A.The Laws Regulating the Sacrifices and Eating Meat (17:1-16)
B.The Laws Regulating Sexual and Neighborly Relationships (18:1-19:37)
C.The Laws Regulating Capital Crimes (20:1-27)
D.The Laws Regulating the Priest’s Holiness (21:1-22:33)
E.The Laws Regulating Required Festivals (23:1-44)
F.The Laws Regulating the Tabernacle and Blasphemy (24:1-23)
G.The Laws Regulating the Sabbatical and Jubilee Years (25:1-55)
H.The Rehearsing of the Covenant Blessings and Curses (26:1-46)
I.The Laws Regulating Votive Gifts (27:1-34)
The Message of Leviticus 19
●The Law Reflects the Character of God
●The Attainability of Holiness
●The Comprehensive Nature of Holiness
●The Law as an Expression of Love
The Design of the Chapter
The Structure of the Chapter
I.Prologue: God Calls Israel to Fidelity to Him (19:1-2)
II.Expressed through Faithfulness to the Divine Covenant (19:3-10)
III.Expressed through Loyalty to the Divine Community (19:11-18)
IV.Expressed through Adhering to the Divine Distinctions (19:19-31)
V.Expressed through Reflecting Divine Protections (19:32-37)
VI.Epilogue: God Reminds Israel of Her Covenant Call for Faithfulness (19:37)