Summary of Leviticus 19
A Sermon Worth Remembering, Deux
Leviticus 19:37
Leviticus 19: Series Review
● The Purpose Behind the Series
● Series Introduction (1 Sermon)
A Sermon Worth Remembering – Holy Unto the Lord (19:1-2) (1 Sermon)
I. Prologue: God Calls Israel to Fidelity to Him (19:1-2)
A Real Covenant Keeper (19:3-10) (1 Sermon)
II. Expressed through Faithfulness to the Divine Covenant (19:3-10)
A. The Covenant (19:3-4)
B. The Sacrifices (19:5-8)
C. The Poor (19:9-10)
Seeing You in Me (19:11-18) (2 Sermons)
III. Expressed through Loyalty to the Divine Community (19:11-18)
A. Deal Honestly (19:11-12)
B. Repudiate Exploitation (19:13-14)
C. Seek Justice (19:15-16)
D. Exemplify Love (19:17-18)
In the World, Not of the World (19:19-31) (4 Sermons)
IV. Expressed through Adhering to the Divine Distinctions (19:19-31)
A. Respect God’s Distinctions (19:19)
B. Safeguard the Helpless (19:20-22)
C. Prioritize the Lord (19:23-25)
D. Avoid Pagan Customs (19:26-31)
Sons of the Most High (19:32-36) (1 Sermon)
V. Expressed through Reflecting Divine Protections (19:32-36)
A. Honor the Aged (19:32)
B. Honor the Stranger (19:33-34)
C. Honor the Patron (19:35-36)
A Sermon Worth Remembering, Deux (19:37) (1 Sermon)
VI. Epilogue: God Reminds Israel of Her Covenant Call for Faithfulness (19:37)