God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Plans (Part a)
The Acts of the Apostles
The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth
Acts 13:1-28:31 (1)
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Plans
I. The Prologue (1:1-8)
II. The Founding of the Church in Jerusalem (1:9-8:3)
III. The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Judea and Samaria (8:4-12:25)
IV. The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth (13:1-28:31)
A. Paul and Barnabas’ First Missionary Journey (13:1-14:28)
B. The Jerusalem Council: Gentile Salvation (15:1-35)
C. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (15:36-18:22)
D. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (18:23-21:16)
E. Paul’s Arrest and Journey to Rome (21:17-28:29)
1. Paul’s Arrest and Trial in Jerusalem (21:17-23:22)
● Paul’s Plans and God’s Sovereignty
a. Paul Agrees to Display His Commitment to the Nation (21:17-26)
● The Biblical Context
● The Historical Context
● The Theological Context
1) The Handoff (21:17-20)
●acceptable pleasing, pleasurable, favorable