The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Judea and Samaria: Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (9:1-31)
1.His Conversion (9:1-19a)
a.The Context: Paul’s Request (9:1-2)
1)The Circumstances of the Request (9:1a)
●breathingbreath or inhale
2)The Request Itself (9:1b-2a)
3)The Intent Behind the Request (9:2b-c)
Parenthesis: Christianity – The Way
Life is a Journey
Salvation is a Journey
3)The Intent Behind the Request (9:2b-c)
Quote #1:
“But Saul the persecutor was about to become Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ! His background and qualifications suited him eminently for the work to which God had called him: (1) He knew the Jewish culture and language well (Acts 21:40; Phil. 3:5). (2) Because he was reared in Tarsus he was well acquainted with the Greek culture and its philosophies (Acts 17:22-31; Titus 1:12). (3) He possessed all the privileges of a Roman citizen (Acts 16:37; 22:23-29; 25:10-12). (4) He was trained and skilled in Jewish theology (Gal. 1:14). (5) Because he was capable in a secular trade he was able to support himself (Acts 18:3; 1 Cor. 9:4-18; 2 Cor. 11:7-11; 1 Thess. 2:9; 2 Thess. 3:8). (6) God gave him zeal, leadership qualities, and theological insight.”
Dr. Stanley Toussaint
Quote #2:
“Walking on a path involves (1) choosing to enter on the path and to pursue it in a given direction, (2) progress toward a destination, (3) making wise rather than foolish choices along the way, (4) taking care for safety and getting lost, and (5) arriving at a goal” (parenthesis added).
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery