The Missionary Work of Philip (Part d): The Possibility of False Belief

Oct 30, 2022    Roger Skepple

The Possibility of False Belief
● As Witnessed in the Ministry of Jesus
● As Witnessed in the Letters to the Churches
III. The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Judea and Samaria (8:4-12:25)
A. The Missionary Work of Philip (8:4-40)
1. Amongst the Samaritans (8:4-25)

a. The Awakening of Samaria (8:4-13)

b. The Proving of Samaria (8:14-24)
1) Validation (8:14-17)

2) Falsification (8:18-24)
a) Simon’s Heart Revealed (8:18-19)
(1) He Coveted (8:18)
(2) He Equated (8:19)
b) Simon’s Heart Judged (8:20-23)
(1) He Pronounced His Judgement (8:20)
● perish
utter or complete
(2) He Uncovered His Error (8:21)
(3) He Called Him to Salvation (8:22-23)
a) The Call to Salvation (8:22)

●forgiven, to hurl,
to release, to
let go, or to let be
b) The Need for Salvation (8:23)
● gall bitter, bile

● bitterness sharp to the taste
● bound in the middle
● iniquity breaking of a standard,

c) Simon’s Heart Exposed (8:24)
c. The Expansion of the Ministry to the Samaritans (8:25)
●Solemnly testified
warning or encouragement