A Spirit Filled Sermon (Part b)

Sep 19, 2021    Roger Skepple

The Acts of the Apostles
The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Jerusalem

The Day of Pentecost: The Age of the Spirit (2:1-46) (5)

The Church’s Gospel (2:14-36) (1)

A Spirit Filled Sermon
●Spirit-Filled Vs Spirit-Filled

II.The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Jerusalem (1:9-8:3)
A.The Prelude to Pentecost (1:9-26)
B.The Day of Pentecost: The Age of the Spirit (2:1-46)
1.The Advent of the Holy Spirit (2:1-13)
2.The Explanation of the Spirit’s Advent (2:14-36)
a.Its Official Spokesmen (2:14-15)
*Peter spoke boldly on the behalf of the apostles a message intended for the people of Jerusalem to debunk their false beliefs regarding the Spirit’s Advent.
b.Its Old Testament Roots (2:16-21)
1)Peter Appealed to the Prophet Joel (2:16)
*Peter connected Acts 2 with Joel 2, the core Old Testament prophecy of the promise of the Holy Spirit.
2)Peter Appealed to Joel’s Statement of Restoration (2:17-21)
*Peter focused his message on the spiritual restoration of Israel.
a)The Time: This is the Last Days (2:17a)
*Peter affirmed that the last days had begun.
b)The Recipients: This is the Ecumenical Gift of the Holy Spirit (2:17b-18)
*Peter indicated that Joel spoke explicitly regarding the diffuse nature of the Holy Spirit among all the people of God.
c)The Scope: This is a Sign of Judgment (2:19-20)
*Peter affirmed the truthfulness of the day of the Lord and the judgment that it will bring to all those who are not properly hidden from it devastating impacts.
d)The Reason: This Necessitates Salvation (2:21)
*Peter confirmed that to avoid the judgments of the day of the Lord, one had to call upon His name. Only by doing such could deliverance be gained.