The Consequence of the Spirit’s Advent

Oct 3, 2021    Roger Skepple

The Acts of the Apostles
The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Jerusalem
The Day of Pentecost: The Age of the Spirit (2:1-46) (8)
The Spirit’s Work in the Hearts of Men (2:37-47) (1)
II. The Growth and Expansion of the Church in Jerusalem (1:9-8:3)
A. The Prelude to Pentecost (1:9-26)
B. The Day of Pentecost: The Age of the Spirit (2:1-46)
1. The Advent of the Holy Spirit (2:1-13)
2. The Explanation of the Spirit’s Advent (2:14-36)
3. The Consequence of the Spirit’s Advent (2:37-40)
a. A Profound Recognition of Guilt (2:37)
1) They were Wounded (2:37a-b)

piercedto sting sharply, to stun, to
2) They Called for Help (2:37c-d)
b. A Singular Pathway of Deliverance (2:38-40)
1) Their Means of Rescue (2:38)
a) The Need of Man’s Soul: Forgiveness (2:38a15-20)
● sins to miss the mark or
● forgiveness
to discharge a person; to
release, pardon, of cancel a
debt, obligation, penality
b) The Way to Fix Man’s Soul: Repentance and Faith
(1) Repentance (2:38a1-6)
● repent
a change of mind
(2) Faith (2:38a7-14)
c) The Blessing of Man’s Soul: The Holy Spirit
2) Their Reason for Rescue (2:39-40)
a) They are the Objects of the Promise (2:39)
b) They are in Danger from the Context (2:40)

solemnly testified
adjure, earnestly beg,
make a serious or
grave declaration

perverse (skolios)
bent, twisted,
crooked, winding