Soli Deo Gloria

Apr 26, 2020    Roger Skepple    The Place of the Solas (Part 5): The Five Solas (Part 5)

Introduction to Reformation Teaching

– The Place of the Solas (Part 5)

Soli Deo Gloria

Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone – A Statement of Its authority

Solus Christus – Christ Alone – A Statement of Its Nerve Center

Sola Gratia – Grace Alone – A Statement of Its Gospel’s Foundation

Sola Fide – Faith Alone – A Statement of Its Experiential Means

Soli Deo gloria – God’s Glory Alone – A Statement of Its Ultimate and Enduring

I. Sola Scriptura

II. Solus Christus

III. Sola Gratia

IV. Sola Fide

V. Soli Deo Gloria

● Summary

A. The Fact of God’s Plan

B. The Plan is Harmonious Within Itself

C. The Plan is Eternal as to Time

D. The Plan is Based in God Himself

E. The Plan is Immutable

F. The Plan is Unstoppable

● anthropomorphism the representation of a god as having human form or

G. The Plan Accomplishes a Perfect End

H. The Plan is the Best

That eternal plan whereby God, that He might be glorified, based on His inscrutable
wisdom, omnipotence, holiness, and goodness freely and without any basis outside of Himself sets for certain, without possible variation, what will come to pass in the universe.