Sola Fide

Apr 19, 2020    Roger Skepple    The Place of the Solas (Part 4): The Five Solas (Part 4)

Introduction to Reformation Teaching

– The Place of the Solas (Part 4)

Sola Fide

Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone – A Statement of Its authority

Solus Christus – Christ Alone – A Statement of Its Nerve Center

Sola Gratia – Grace Alone – A Statement of Its Gospel’s Foundation

Sola Fide – Faith Alone – A Statement of Its Experiential Means

Soli Deo gloria – God’s Glory Alone – A Statement of Its Ultimate and Enduring Purpose

I.Sola Scriptura

II.Solus Christus

III.Sola Gratia

IV.Sola Fide


A.The Nature of Faith

1.Based in the Old Testament

●believed (‘mn, amen) – to support, to be reliable; to trust, to accept

●faith (batach) – to trust, security

2.Based in the New Testament

●faith (pistis) – belief and trust

●assurance – right of possession, guarantee

●confidence – proof, conviction


●Faith is the confident trust in the reliable God, whereby the believer considers
God’s word of promise to be true and responds with appropriate obedience, and it serves as the proof that he will experience those promises.

B.The Origin of Faith

C.The Coming of Faith

D.The Distribution of Faith

E.The Expanded Definition of Faith

●Faith is the confident trust in the reliable God, given as a grace gift by God according to His own Sovereign will, whereby the believer considers God’s word of promise in the gospel to be true and responds appropriately by exercising that faith in obedience to the message, thus serving as the believer’s voucher of God’s promises towards him.

1) it is confident trust in the trustworthy God

2) it is given by God as a grace gift

3) it is given based on God’s own Sovereign will

4) it counts as true the word of God epitomized in the gospel message;

5) it serves as the voucher of all God promises to His people.

F.The Elements of Faith

1.Knowledge (Notitia)

2.Emotions (Assensus)

3.Volition (Fiducia)