Anna's Position and Praise of the Lord

Dec 19, 2021    Roger Skepple

His Coming—A Savior is Born
The Birth of the Messiah (Part 37)

Two or Three Witnesses

The Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple (Lk. 2:21-38)
I.Joseph and Mary: A Son of the Covenant (2:21-24)
II.Simeon: The Messiah (2:25-35)
III.Anna: The Savior (2:36-38)

The Remnant
●Survivors of judgement
●A faithful few in time
●Inhabitants of the future kingdom

A.Anna: The Servant of the Lord (2:36-37)
1.Anna, The Prophetess (2:36a1-5)
●The Office of Prophet
○The prophet was the person who was given direct revelation from God to communicate to God’s people.
●Gender and the Office of Prophet
2.Anna, the Jewess (2:36a6-14)
3.Anna’s Situation (2:36b-37)
B.Anna: The Praise to the Lord (2:38)
1.For His Actions in Sending Christ (2:38a)
2.For His Redemption through Christ (2:38b)