Adoration of the Child

Dec 25, 2022

  I.The Coming of the Magi (2:1-2)

A.The Magi’s Journey (2:1)

B.The Magi’s Purpose (2:2)

 II.The Controversy Surrounding the Magi (2:3-6)

A.The Unsettling of Jerusalem (2:3-4)

1.Herod and the People were Agitated (2:3)

●troubledto shake or stir up something

2.Herod Convened a Colloquy (2:4)

a.The Participants (2:4a)

1)The Chief Priests (2:4a1-7)

2)The Scribes (2:4a8-12)

●scribegrammateus (soper)man learned in the Torah; Rabbi

b.The Purpose (2:4b)

B.The Unearthing of Bethlehem (2:5-6)

III.The Commissioning of the Magi (2:7-12)

A.The Magi Left Jerusalem with a Commission (2:7-8)

1.Herod Ascertained the Time Frame (2:7)

2.Herod Feigned an Interest (2:8)

B.The Magi Arrived at Bethlehem with Assistance (2:9-10)

1.They Recognized God’s Continued Assistance (2:9)

●childlittle child under puberty

2.They Rejoiced over God’s Continued Assistance (2:10)

C.The Magi Fulfilled Their Mission (2:11-12)

1.They Worshiped Jesus (2:11)

2.They Avoided Herod (2:12)