Simeon's Witness To Jesus’ Identity (Part a)

Dec 15, 2019    Roger Skepple    The Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple (Part 2): The Birth of the Messiah: His Coming - A Savior Is Born (Part 34)

His Coming—A Savior is Born

The Birth of the Messiah (Part 33)

2 or 3 Witnesses

The Witnesses To Jesus’ Identity (Lk. 2:21-38)

I. Joseph and Mary: A Son of the Covenant (2:21-24)

II. Simeon: The Messiah (2:25-35)

A. The Witness to the World (2:25-33)

1. Simeon: The Instrument of God (2:25-27)

a. His Character and Calling (2:25-26)

1) A Part of the Godly Remnant (2:25)

● righteous a standard

● devout cautious, circumspect

● consolation to ask, to encourage or admonish, or to comfort or console

2) A Watchman by Divine Revelation (2:26)

b. His Divine Inspiration (2:27a)

2. Simeon: The Messenger of God (2:27b-33)

a. The Object of His Message (2:27b-28)