Jesus, the Theanthropos (Godman)

Dec 22, 2024    Roger Skepple

His Coming—A Savior is Born

The Birth of the Messiah

Jesus, the theanthropos (Godman)

The Incarnation

●The Fact of It

●The Need of It

10.The Childhood of Jesus at Nazareth (Mt. 2:22-23; Lk. 2:39-40)

Matthew 2:22-23

1.Jesus, a Man Under Divine Protection

2.Jesus, a Man Localized to One place

Luke 2:39-40

3.Jesus, a Man under the Law

4.Jesus, a developing Man.

5.Jesus, an Object of God’s Grace

Jesus took on human flesh:

1)So that He might rule on man’s behalf over a redeemed creation (2:5-8).

2)So that He might taste death for His brethren (2:9-13).

3)So that He might undo the power of the devil (2:14-15).

4)So that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest (2:17).

5)So that He might appease God’s wrath against mankind through His death (2:17).

6)So that He might become susceptible to be tempted, that is attacked by the devil (2:18; 4:15).

7)So that He might become the source of salvation through His suffering (5:8-9).

8)So that He might be a sacrifice (7:17).

9)So that He might supply His blood as the basis of the New covenant that replaces the Old Covenant ( 9; 12:24).

10)So that He might fulfill God’s will to sacrifice Himself to provide for the permanent sanctification of His people (10:10-14; 13:12).

11)So that He might provide access to the holy place of God (10:19-20).

12)So that He might be an example of faithful suffering (12:1-3).